Junior Years Learning - Kindergarten to Year 4

Our Junior Years of Learning at SFCC follow a traditional K-4 view of schooling. The majority of subjects are taught by the one teacher and there is a focus on literacy and numeracy. However, students in Junior Years Learning are exposed to specialist teachers for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education and Creative Arts, when their class teacher is released from face-to-face teaching for Professional Planning Time (PPT).
The following Key Learning Areas are studied each year:
Religious Education






Creative Arts

All classes have access to a comprehensive fleet of iPads to assist them with their learning.
We have three streams of classes in Kindergarten as well as three streams of classes in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4. Each class receives a Curriculum Overview (see links below) per term which outlines what is being covered in the Key Learning Areas for that term and what day they will visit the Library.